Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Google Classroom and Scholastic

Students should be reading for 20 (4th) to 30 (5th) every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Post it notes should be used to record important details or inferences.
4th grade has a field trip tomorrow, 10/3 and 5th grade go on one Friday 10/4.

This week we have worked on becoming familiar with google classroom and Storyworks & Storyworks Jr. Scholastic magazines.  Conferences are the last week in October.

With google classroom, I can create assignments right from Scholastic. Scholastic turns them into an assignment that I can then edit if I want to add, delete, or revise questions.  Google classroom also allows me to add links and google documents for them to use while completing assignments.  When I formally grade an assignment I will add it to Power School Unified Classroom.

Storyworks and Storyworks Jr. are magazines the students read throughout the month.  They always will have a class copy that is shared between the 4th and 5th grades. The online version has so many cool features. Some articles/stories have audio versions so the students can read along while hearing it read to them.  There are videos providing background knowledge and vocabulary slides.  Here are the websites for you to explore.  The student login is the same for both magazines... frogjar5

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