Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30, 2014

Above is a short video I took as the students were working quietly on different projects.  Some were on Think Through Math, some were reading, and some were working on their science menu.  Pandora was on and the classroom was very peaceful.  I love Friday afternoons when we are able to catch up on things and have choice time.  Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014

There is no math homework tonight. We are reading Eco-Mysteries in class so reading logs do not need to be completed.  The students are working on science projects in class to learn about the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems.  They have a menu of different activities that are worth different points.  They need to have their activities add up to 100 points.

We are going on a field trip to ECHO on June 12th.  I will send home a permission slip next week.  The cost is $6.00 per student.  Please let me know if this is a hardship for your family.

Next Wednesday is the school spring concert.  There will also be a BBQ for lunch.  The students' last day is June 19th and will be a half day.  Field Days will be on the 18th.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014

Math - Multiplying decimals
Reading - Chapter 1 of your Eco-Mystery with the journal completed.
No more reading logs!
Science - If you want to work on your menu of products for the body systems you may.

As an end of year field trip we are going to ECHO Museum on June 12th.  A permission slip will go home next week.

Below is an interview from Project Sweet Talk.

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014

Yesterday's 250th Birthday Celebration was wonderful!  The students did a great job with an important topic.  If you remember, this project had 4 products.  An interview with a technology piece of the interview, a written report, the timeline, and the "In Their Own Words" poster.  In addition they read a book about Vermont Sugaring and completed a grid of sugaring through the years.  They received grades in reading, writing, social studies, technology, and group work (collaboration, communication, perseverance, listening, and speaking).  It was an intense project. Many people were impressed! Next week I will be asking a couple of students to write an article for the Messenger and County Courier to share what happened here yesterday! All the students in the school had great work to share!
  Thank you for all of your support throughout this project.  I couldn't pull it off without the help of the parents.

Today we had an assembly for Memorial Day. Mr. Stebbins shared the meaning of Memorial Day and explained what it is. The band played and the chorus sang!  I will post video of that next week. I will also post more pictures from Thursday. We then cleaned and reorganized our room from our Project Sweet Talk mess!  They were rewarded with the Monster University movie!


Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014

Math Homework:
Multiplying Fractions-answers must be in simplest form.
Reading Log due tomorrow.
Book Project due date has been changed from May 30 to June 6.  Only a book talk needs to be prepared for this project.
This Thursday is the Project Sweet Talk share during the Fairfield 250th birthday celebration.
Check out the link below to see our site.
Fairfield Outdoor Classroom

Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014

Next Thursday afternoon is the Fairfield 250 celebration from 1:00-2:30. Please feel free to stop by when it is convenient for you to browse through the projects. Today we had a fire drill that turned out to be an alarm malfunction. The fire department had to come and we were outside for quite some time.  The kids did an awesome job!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14, 2014

Math sheet 1-9, some have an extension problem with it.
Final copy of Project Sweet Talk paper due next Tuesday.
Reading Log

Our celebration for Fairfield's 250th birthday is next Thursday, May 22nd from 1:00 to 2:30.  It is "browsing" time so stop by when it is convenient for you.

Yesterday Fuel Up to Play 60 had a flash mob dance and this is when the teachers go in and try to get the kids up and moving!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014

No math homework tonight so I asked the students to read longer and work on final copies of the report.  The birthday celebration is next Thursday afternoon 1:00 to 2:30. Here are some pictures of the students working on the timelines of the history if sugaring. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014

Math sheet 101
reading log
Project Sweet Talk work: there are some students who really need to work on this at home due to not using the class time wisely.  Please talk to your child to see how he or she is doing.  Email me with any questions.

Today we spent a lot of time outside putting plastic on the high tunnel.
Fairfield's 250th Birthday Celebration is on May 22nd.

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

Math- Mrs. Tully's group sheet 100, Ms. Dion's group sheet 85
Reading Log is due tomorrow
Most students should be working on some aspect of Project Sweet Talk for homework.  Some are still revising reports and some are working on timeline information.  A few students are doing projects that can only be done at school.  Email me if you have any questions.

Fairfield 250th Birthday celebration is on May 22nd in the afternoon.

Below is a link to Fairfield's Outdoor Classroom site.  Mr. Pigeon, Mrs. Thompson and I created it last summer during our technology course.  I am in the process of updating it with events from this year.
Fairfield Outdoor Classroom