Thursday, December 13, 2018

Holiday Concert

Homework: Read for 30 minutes

What a wonderful concert tonight!  Our 5th grade performed beautifully!!!!!  We are so very proud of them.  It's not easy to get all dressed up and perform in front of your community.  Here are a couple of pictures.  The geometric cities will be put together tomorrow (today!) and I will post the pictures. As we enter into the week before vacation, we want you to know how much we love working with your children.



Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Read for 30 minutes

Yesterday the students started working on Geometrocity.  They are working in groups to build a city that requires them to use different geometric elements.  Here are a couple of pictures and I will post more tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Tuesday Take Home Folders

Tuesday Take Home Folders were sent home yesterday! Please remember to look through your child's work, sign the bottom, and have your child return it to school!

Homework is due Friday!

Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3rd!

Homework was handed out today. It is due on Friday. The reading may look a little different, but your child is to read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Tuesday Take Home Folder's will go home tomorrow. Make sure to look for this so you can sign it and send it back in!

We celebrated our November Student's of the Month this past Friday. The focus was Responsibility!

The responsible student turns in her/his assignments on time,
comes to class with required materials, and takes ownership of her/his
failings. This student knows that the only person one can change is
oneself and doesn't try to blame or change others.

Bradon LaCroix was nominated in Miss. Marino's Homeroom!
Jillian Smith was nominated from Mrs. Tully's Homeroom!
Marley Juaire was nominated by the Unified Arts Teachers!

Congratulations to these students.
The month of December is focused on being Respectful of Other's