Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Day of Fun Activities

I have some videos of our activities we did today, but don't want to share them until I can check against the emergency forms of who can and can't be photographed/videotaped.

Our activities from today included grouping together according to a color dot on our foreheads.  The students didn't know what color dot they had and they couldn't use their mouths to communicate.  They did a fabulous job!  Then they had to group together by the months of their birthdays, and once that was finished, they had to line up in order of their actual birth date.

In the afternoon they completed the Paper Chain Challenge.  In groups, the students had to make the longest paper chain possible with one piece of 12x18 construction paper, 12 inches of masking tape, and one scissor.  They had 3 minutes of independent time to think about it, 5 minutes of group time to discuss it, and 30 minutes to complete the task!

Many forms have been sent home for you to fill out and return to school.  If you can, please try to have them in by Tuesday.

5th Grade Expectations
I went over the 5th Grade Expectations with the students today.  These are the same expectations that are used throughout middle school.  We will use the same ones except for how we deal with missing work.  Missing or incomplete work will be made up during lunch, recess (an alternative movement recess will be given), before school, or after school.  A big expectation is that clear, regular water is the only drink allowed in the classroom-in a water bottle.  Plastic water bottles are not allowed.  Please read the expectations and review with your child.  Call or email me with any questions or concerns.

*On September 17th, grades 5-8 will be going to a presentation given by John Halligan.  He is giving a presentation for parents that same night at 6:00 pm at SATEC. I am putting in the link to John's website so you can learn what the presentation will be about.  This is the 4th time he will be visiting Fairfield.  We have always had grades 5-8 attend.  Please call me or Dr. O'Dell if you have any questions or comments.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

First Day!

Before I talk about the first day I want to share some pictures of our Monday night circle.  For those of you who could not make it, I will send home the questions we answered so you can complete them and send them back in with your child.
Circle 1

Circle 2
Circle 4

Circle 3
 Today was fabulous!!!  We learned about Decibella and voice levels.  We went over how we need notes to make a change in our normal plans.  All students brought home their Purple Home-School Communicators today.  These will be brought home every night. There were papers in there tonight so look!