Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Fish in a Tree

Weekly Poem and Daily Math Practice.  Students are to touch base with us if they have a question about the homework.
Last week's homework should be reviewed with your child and signed by you.  Your child is to return it to Mrs. Tully.
Mrs. Tully's homeroom received a permission slip for next week's field trip.

Students may have received their copy of Fish in a Tree, the novel we are going to read as a class.  All the chapters will have the audio version available to the students on the class blog.
I did have the youtube site where the chapters are available shared on This site made youtube videos available without the other videos showing up on the side of the page.  I don't think safeshare is available anymore because today the links wouldn't work.  I revised the links to the direct youtube site.  There is a teacher who has recorded all the chapters.  Please check out the page where the chapters are available in audio form.  Let me know if you do not want your child accessing youtube to listen to the book.  The books are kept at school, but you can listen to the story on youtube if you want.

Every Tuesday, the 5th grade has a full Circle in the library.  At the end of every day, 5th grade will join together in Mrs. Tully's room (it's larger) and have a Triple A time.  Triple A stands for Appreciations, Apologies, and Ahas.  This is a time when students can share an appreciation for someone, apologize for something that happened during the day, or share an Aha moment, (I learned this today, or I noticed this today).  Students do not have to share. This is an opportunity to end the day as a whole class, sharing, and valuing one another.
Here is a video showing a teacher and his class doing this.

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