Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15, 2014

TTM or sheet 43
Read or work on genre packet

Last Friday Mrs. Sargent was in for guidance and she played a trivia game with the kids.  Many of them did not know what trivia was.  This morning someone said,"Who?" and I answered, "Who's on first" No one knew what that was in reference to.  So, we watched Abbott and Costello's routine of Who's on First.  Now they have that bit of that trivia.  Everyone should know who Abbott and Costello are. Then we talked about The Muppets and Mahna Mahna, and watched that.  That brought us to a conversation about how I brought my children to Manhattan to be exposed to different things like the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Which brought me to sharing the book, From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. This book is about a brother and sister who live in the Met after running away from home. (They are from a good home, but Claudia is a bit of an extrememist) While there they sleep in a four poster bed. "What is a four poster bed?" they asked. On to google images of four poster beds! It was a great morning of learning about things that you don't normally learn about formally, but are good for the mind.  The more prior knowledge/global knowledge a child has the easier it is to learn.  Connections are made.  Below are the links if you would like to watch them with your child.  Have a great night. **** I am out tomorrow.  The students know exactly what is expected of them!!!!
Who's On First
Mahna Mahna
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Getting to the Met

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