Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Late night!

Grammar Minute 14
Math practice due Friday

Sorry, this is so late tonight.  Hopefully, you all subscribe to the blog so it isn't late for you.  Wednesday is after school meeting day and teaching Yoga at 6:30 pm, so I rarely have time to breathe-until I get to yoga.  Today was a good day.  Students are completing routines without so many reminders.  By November, the classroom should be up and running with the kids pretty much running the show.  That means that the day could pretty much run without me if needed.  Routines and expectations happen without so many reminders and the students have a true understanding of how our day runs.  It allows me to work more with the students than "managing the classroom."  The focus is on them and not on me.  The two months it takes for this to become a reality actually saves us time later in the year and allows more learning to take place.

I adore all of these kids.  Each one is unique in his or her own way.  My room is set up in a way that allows each child to get what he or she really needs.  An important thing to remember is, "Fair is not equal and equal is not Fair."  Each child will get what he or she needs which will look different for each child.  This is fair.  If I treated all students the same way it would not be fair.

As always, if you want to meet with me to discuss any concerns please send me an email or call me at school.  It is extremely important that we keep communication as open as possible.

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