Math sheet 62
CNN due tomorrow
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Progress Report Signature
Today's Highlights:
The students made multiplying decimals make sense today! Ask them what you get when you multiply 10ths by 10ths and 10ths by 100ths. Tomorrow they will complete a Gizmo on multiplying decimals using the area model. This is the website for the Gizmos. You can explore and try some out without having an account or have your child go on his or her account. The posters shown are the Best Practices for teaching math. We want our students to use these practices on a daily basis. The multiplying decimals lesson, without immediately teaching the traditional algorithm, is an example of constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others. It also required the students to look for and make use of structure.
Dress Like A Coach tomorrow for Souper Bowl Spirit Week
Bring in soup or a canned good!
The John Halligan assembly is next Tuesday. There was a mailing that went home explaining this to you. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
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