Grammar Minute, Read, and finish math.
I have mentioned a few times that as a school, we are reading Conscious Discipline, by Dr. Becky Bailey. Part of Conscious Discipline is learning how the brain works. We learn the Brain State Model which links what is going on in the brain with the behavior the child is showing. There are 3 states: The Survival State, The Emotional State, and The Executive State. I have shown the 4th and 5th grades a video by Dr. Bailey explaining these states using a hand model. I am linking a similar video here for you to watch. Today, the 4th grade also learned about The Conflict Cycle. The 5th grade will learn about it tomorrow.
It's important for students to understand why they may behave a certain way. If they can understand the brain states & the conflict cycle, then they will have tools to change their behavior. We want children to self-regulate themselves. It is our job to teach them how to do that.
This video explains Logical Consequences. I think it is important that logical and natural consequences be used. I will continue to link information and videos about Conscious Discipline and The Conflict Cycle.
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