Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Grammar Minute #13
Read for 20-30 Minutes
Math practice is due this Friday.

The 4th grade worked with tangrams today.  Tangrams are a set of 7 shapes that can be arranged to make many different shapes.  We started with a dog shape.  As I suspected, the students became frustrated and wanted to give up.  We didn't.  Many students came close.  We moved on to letters.  S and T.  These were a bit easier.  They slowly learned that hard work, perseverance, and some frustration are needed to learn new things.  We talked about metaphors and how Tangrams are a metaphor for life.  Hard work will pay off.  We then connected them to reading and writing.  They will be pushed outside of their comfort zone and that will cause frustration.  Learning takes place when this happens. Here are some pictures to show you some of what we did.
Give me an S!

All the tangrams need to be
the same color, but good try!
Thinking outside the box!

Almost!  Keep Trying!

The dog is the shape on
the left page, inside
column, middle.

Working hard!

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