The first week is complete!!! YAY! It was a very, very hot one! The kids did a great job keeping those masks on.
On the first day of school we created our 5/6 Team Agreement of how we should act in our classrooms and did some team building activities.
5/6 Team Agreement:
1. Be Kind and Respectful
2. Work Hard
3. Listen to the Speaker
4. Stay on Task
5. Be Prepared
We have set up our binders and our computers are ready. Starting on Monday, 8/30, they will go home with the students every night. The computers will need to be charged each night at home and brought back to school the next day. This is in case we need to go remote.
On Friday Dr. O'Dell met with all the 5/6 team students & teachers and talked about HHB&R which is Hazing, Harrassment, Bullying, and Retaliation. We worked on our All About Me folders and played Newcomb Ball which is similar to Volleyball.
Students will have this homework sheet (click on link) in their home/school folders each night. After your child has read for 20-30 minutes and the computer is charging, please initial the sheet and have your child return it to their folders. Please remember to check the home/school folders every night.