Thursday, January 23, 2020

More Alevin

We have had more fish hatch!  Some will be "swimming up" to the top soon and we will be able to feed them.  Here is a link to the website that explains Trout in the Classroom.  It's our first year doing it in 5th grade and I hope to continue next year since I will better understand the process.
Here is a video and a picture.
Our egg basket!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Egg Hatch!

We had an egg hatch today! Below is a video showing it.  We also had a plank challenge and V-Sit challenge! The kids had a good time with it, so we will be doing more challenges in the weeks to come.  This will help us to reach Gold Status for Rise Vermont.

I am out next Tuesday and ask that you talk to your child about the expectations we have when we have "company."  I always think of substitute teachers as company coming over for a visit.  We always expect more of our kids when company visits!

The 5th graders are doing great working with our Discovery Education tech book.  In the next week or so, we will start our Unit on "Patterns in The Sky."

Have a great extended weekend!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Discovery Tech Book

The 5th grade has started using a "tech" book from Discovery Education. The first unit we have explored, Energy for Humans and Other Living Things, has helped us with our Trout Unit. The students are exploring the concepts (like chapters) and working through different activities to become familiar with the structure.  We will officially use it for our next unit on Patterns in the Sky.  Go to the link and have your child sign in.  They use their emails and the password is Fairfield.
Tech Book 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Here we are in January of 2020... unbelievable.  So much has changed since I began teaching in 1990.  One thing that has not changed though is the need for students to read daily, be responsible, and practice time management.

4th grade homework:
Students receive a homework sheet on Monday for math and sentence practice that is due on Fridays.
Lexia packets can be worked on at home either by timing the work for a certain amount of time or doing a page or two. These do not need to be done every night.  Reading for 20-30 minutes. Students received a "bookmark" that needs to be completed as they read the book or after they are done.  We spent a lot of time today discussing how you know if you need to do it while you read or if you can handle it at the end.  *** Encourage your child to fill a little out every couple of days or so and I will do the same while I take Status of the Class.

5th grade homework:
Lexia packets can be worked on at home either by timing the work for a certain amount of time or doing a page or two. These do not need to be done every night.  Reading for 30-40 minutes. Tomorrow, Thursday, students will receive a "bookmark" that needs to be completed as they read the book or after they are done.  We will spend a lot of time discussing how you know if you need to do it while you read or if you can handle it at the end.  *** Encourage your child to fill a little out every couple of days or so and I will do the same while I take Status of the Class.

There those who are for homework and those who are against it.  Homework is not to be a frustrating experience as the work we do send home or ask them to do is at the students' independent level.  However, if frustration does occur, reach out to the 4/5 team and let us know how we can help.