Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Quiet Work Time

Read and finish your math!!!!!

In 5th grade, the room is getting good & messy with projects being painted and glued together!  4th grade is working on finding quotes for their informative writing.  Here is a video of the great work the 4th grade did today!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Class Colors

No Grammar Minute this week
Math is due by Friday

For spirit week, we will wear class colors tomorrows.  5th grade is yellow and 4th grade is orange.  I'm having trouble getting the field trip pictures, so I will try tomorrow.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, 4/16

No homework for ELA except to read for 30 minutes.
Not sure about math.

It has been a crazy couple of days.  Last Wednesday, I was out to be at a doctor's appointment with my mom.  She is doing much better this month.  She has Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.  Then we had the field trip on Thursday.  What FUN!!  I love walking through Ms. Dion's sugar woods.  Nancy Patch shared a wealth of information with us!  David Gaudette's sugar house was WAY COOL and the donuts with maple cream were an extra bonus!  Thank you Dave and Jess!!  No school on Friday and then today I was in school but in a meeting all day for PBIS.  Miss Tully was my sub and did a fabulous job. The kids were great! 

Mr. Sweet and I will share our conference schedule with you by the end of the week.  Spring conferences are completely student-led, with the students sharing their Personalized Learning Plans.

Project Sweet Talk is now May 3rd-9:00-10:30.  More information to come later this week also!  Tomorrow, I will share pictures from the field trip.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Project Sweet Talk

Grammar Minute 99  and  Read!

Project Sweet Talk share day has been changed to May 3rd.  It will still be the same time: 9:00 am to 10:30 am.  Feel free to stop by any time that is convenient for you.  Student-led conferences are also that day from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  We will also have conferences on Friday.  We will share a document with you so you can sign up for a block of time to stop by so your child can share his or her Personal Learning Plan with you.

Our field trip is on Thursday.  Please send your child with clothes for outside.  We will be walking through the woods.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Field Trip

Grammar Minute 98

Our field trip this Thursday will happen even if it is raining.  If it is raining, then we will go to Dave Gaudette's sugarbush and sugarhouse.  If the weather is not so bad then we will go with plan A and start at Ms. Dion's Stone Hollow Farm's sugarbush and then make our way over to the Gaudette's.

Some students still owe permission slips.

There is a possibility that Project Sweet Talk may be moved to Thursday, May 3rd.   Conferences are the week we get back from vacation.  Mr. Sweet and I will let you know when they are.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Grammar Minute 97
Math due on Friday

The field trip to Ms. Dion's sugarbush and sugarhouse and the Gaudette's sugarhouse is next Thursday, April 12, 2018. 
Yesterday, the 4th graders watched 2 videos. The first one is from 1966 and features Mrs. Howrigan's husband's family.  The second is from the past couple of years and features a modern-day sugarhouse in St. Albans.  4th grade will compare and contrast sugaring from the past and present.
Vermont Maple Sugaring 1966
Modern Day-Jean Sugarhouse

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Project Sweet Talk

Grammar Minute 95
Read your DEAR book
Math is due this Friday

Project Sweet Talk is in full swing.  Project Sweet Talk celebration day is on April 20th from 9:00 to 10:30. Both classes have read and summarized chapters in Maple Sugar: From Sap to Syrup that pertains to their topic of study.  4th grade studies the process of sugaring and 5th grade studies the maple tree and sugarbush.  This is the priority for the next 3 weeks.  I invite all students to come in early for homework club on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 or stay after school on Tuesdays until 4:10 to work on Project Sweet Talk.

Students will work on researching a question for their informative writing.  Students will work with a group to write the introduction and conclusion, and each group member will write a body paragraph. Students need to have 2 sources for their research.  Family or friends who sugar can be a source, and then the students will need 1 more print or digital source.

Pre-writing slides will be completed before a draft can be written.  Students will then conference with their peers and receive feedback for revision.  Text features will be added and final copies will be produced.

Visuals are also a part of this unit.  Students may not start their visuals until a written draft is finished.

Students went to the library today to find some books on sugaring.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Sugar House

Grammar Minute 94
Math is due on Friday

Both grades visited the sugar house today.  Here is a video of the 5th grade getting some freshly made syrup.  4th grade got some too!