Grammar Minute 38
Read for at least 20-30 minutes
Math practice due Friday
4th and 5th graders have participated in a Restorative Justice Circle asking them to answer the following questions: What do I need from my teacher, classmates, and myself to have the best possible time in class and at school? 5th grade finished all 3, 4th grade still needs to answer the 3rd.
- What I need from my teacher
- What I need from my classmates
- What I need from myself
I am sharing the posters that have the statements the students (and adults in the room) shared with their classmates. We will refer back to these statements often.
While the students are in my room, they will not be using the clipboard to document their behavior. I am going to a simple 1, 2, 3 system as explained in
1, 2, 3 Magic for Parents and 1, 2, 3 Magic for Teachers. When students have not responded to my non-verbal attempts or reminders, they will be told they are on 1 and I will state the desired behavior. On 2, I will state the desired behavior again, and state what the consequence will be on 3. This first consequence will most likely be a break. If, in the same class period, the student goes to 3 a second time, the consequence may be more serious. I will probably move the student on the 1 or 2.
***** These reminders are for the students to self-regulate themselves and make good choices. All students know what the expected behavior is, and has had it modeled and retaught many, many times this year. A consequence may be for the child to call or email home to communicate that he/she is having trouble keeping themselves on task, even with breaks and moving to another seat. I will be sending home a notice asking for you to share what method you prefer, and what email or number you would like to be contacted. For many students, knowing that the consequence of 3 will be calling a parent is enough to keep that student on task for the rest of the class period. You will also have the option of not having your child contact you. In that case, I would contact you by email after school that day and keep the consequence in school. If a pattern of behavior begins and/or persists, then an Office Discipline Referral will be completed. Major behaviors will have an ODR completed right away. An example of that is hands-on to another student.
It is extremely important to me that students learn how to make good choices and respect others' learning environment. The goal is for students to respect the learning process so all students can learn. That happens will a strong system with adult support and guidance. We will continue to have Circle to discuss the strengths and challenges of the classroom. As a school, we have started reading the book,
Conscious Discipline. Thank you for supporting us in this endeavor.
What I need from my teacher. |
What I need from my classmates. |
What I need from me. |
What I need from my teacher. |
What I need from my classmates. |