Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Book Orders

Grammar Minute 31
READ......... for those not making progress on the daily Status of the Class...nightly reading logs will become your homework assignment!
Math is due on Thursday.
Parent, Student, Teacher conferences begin on Thursday, 11/2.  Please see the schedule to sign up if you have not done so.
Conference Schedule

Book Orders
Both classes have received book orders.  I am only accepting online orders.  I will work with parents who do not have internet.  Here is the letter that explains how to go about doing these orders.  I am new to this and will take it one step at a time!!!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hay Day

Fairfield students spent Friday making decorations for this year's Harvest Dinner.  5th grade made pallet paintings, and 4th grade made table decorations. Here is a link to our Outdoor Classroom Blog.  Please subscribe to follow by email.
Table Decoration

Pallet Painting

Pallet Painting

Pallet Painting

Pallet Painting

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Today’s Field Trip

Composting Bins

They were wonderful listeners!

The 3 wonders!

The compactor!!!

Becomes a law for
households in 2020!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Field Trip Tomorrow

Grammar Minute 28
Math is due on Friday

5th grade is going on a field trip tomorrow so 4th grade will be with Mr. Sweet all day.  Friday is Hay Day!

Harvest Dinner is this Sunday! Excellent food!!  Next week are conferences.  The conference schedule was sent to you by email.  If you have not signed up for one, please do.  Here is a link....
Conference Schedule

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Good Day

Grammar Minute 27 and read. 
Math due Friday
Today was a great day. I always love the end of October because we all seem to have settled into our routines. The conference schedule has been shared so please sign up for a conference soon. They start next Thursday. 
Conference Schedule

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday, October 23rd and it's this warm?????

Grammar Minute 26 and read.
Math practice due on Friday.
Thursday, 10/26, 5th grade is going on a field trip to Northwest Solid Waste District and Hudak's Farm as part of our Composting/Recycling Unit. Permission slips were sent home today.
What a beautiful day!  Here is a video of some fun the 5th grade was having together.  We are working on being kind and inclusive.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Falling Leaves

Homework is Grammar Minute 25 and read.  No math this week. 
No School on Thursday or Friday. 
Mr. Sweet and I are planning on having conferences, after school, on Wednesday, November 1st & 2nd and Monday, November 6th.  We will send a schedule via google docs next week.

Here are a couple of pictures of students working on Scholastic Storyworks assignments.  This one is on finding the main idea and supporting details from an article about Syrian refugees. 
Going back to the text to
find evidence!

Listening to the article
and following along
in the magazine.
Here are some pictures from the 5th grade field trip to Bergeron's Farm.
One student spotted this from
across the road.

Hornets nest.

A video of falling leaves!  Today was cold but beautiful!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday, Monday

Only 2 nights of Grammar Minutes this week.  No math.  Read when there is time!
The students earned 25 compliments and have voted to have an extra game of soccer, boys v girls.
We will do this on a day that it is not raining!!!
No school this Thursday or Friday.  Parent conferences will be at the beginning of November. Mr. Sweet and I will send a schedule via google docs for you to sign up for one.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Beautiful Day!!!

Grammar Minute 23 and read!!!!

The 5th grade as 4 Winds tomorrow so the 4th grade will have Mrs. Tully in the morning and the 5th grade will have ELA in the afternoon.

It was such a beautiful day that we stayed out a little longer at recess.  Here is a video of the perfect recess we had.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Gleaning Field Trip

Grammar Minute 22
Read for at least 20-30 minutes

Butternut Squash
The 5th grade went on a field trip today to Terry Bergeron's farm in St. Albans.  We picked squash, peppers, tomatoes, and cabbage.  The kids were so excited!!  This food will go to local food shelves.
The pepper challenge!
Sweetest to hottest.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

First 6 Weeks of School

Grammar Minute 21 and read for at least 20-30 minutes.
No math this week for 5th, not sure about 4th.

We have been in school for about 6 weeks, and the routines are becoming normal without so many reminders from me.  It's a joy to see the students becoming comfortable in their new spaces.  As I have mentioned before, the expectations are high, but not unreachable.  Supporting students to succeed is the main goal....every day.   We want students to be aware of the choices they make and the consequences that follow.

Monday, October 9, 2017


Grammar Minute 20
Math practice is due Friday
***5th grade goes on a field trip this Wednesday Morning
***Picture Day is tomorrow!!

D.E.A.R Time stands for Drop Everything and Read, but it's more than that.  During DEAR time, the students are reading quietly, working on Comprehension Checks (CCs), or choosing a new book.  Here is a video of today's DEAR time with 4th grade.  Notice how quiet it is.........this is good!
The next video is of the 4th grade completing Geography Centers.  These centers are self-directed and allow students to work at their own pace.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Free Choice and Snuggle Up Reading

No homework for the weekend.

Sorry I missed last night's blog.  I really try to get to it every day!I want to explain our Friday routines to you. On Fridays, we have Free Choice time and Snuggle Up Reading.  In order to participate in Free Choice, students must have all of their work done from the week.  It has been, and continues to be, explained that finishing work is not a punishment from Free Choice.  Free Choice was created to motivate children to get their work done so they can participate in Free Choice.  Once work is done, students can move to Free Choice.  This gives me an opportunity to work with students. If work is not finished by Snuggle Up Reading, I can continue to work with those students.  If work is not finished, then I will work with that student the following week.

5th grade is going to Terry Bergeron's farm next Wednesday to glean vegetables.  All information was sent home today.  If you gave your child permission in an email, then you do not need to send the form back in with your child.  Looking ahead, 5th grade will be going to Northwest Solid Waste District and Hudak's Farm possibly on October 18th. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Andy Griffith Show

Grammar Minute 18
Math practice due Friday

Both 4th and 5th grade took responsibility for their actions and choices today.  We had a good, productive day.  Remember, a redirect or two is not a bad thing.  That means your child is being social and that is what we want.  After those redirects though, we want them on task being productive and working to their best abilities.

In ELA, we are working on plot development.  Tomorrow, the 5th grade will be watching an episode of The Andy Griffith Show looking for the different parts of the plot.  The beginning (setting, characters), rising action, which includes the conflict, the climax or turning point, the falling action, and the resolution.  The 4th grade will watch this next week.
Here is the video. Feel free to watch it with your child!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Full Moon

Grammar Minute 16
Read and bring book back to school tomorrow
Math practice due this Friday

There is a full moon this week! Do you notice more activity from your child during the full moon?  I can never tell. 

Well, it's October which means we raise the expectations (or the bar) a bit higher.  Students should be following the classroom routines with fewer reminders/redirects to the expected behavior.  At this time we usually notice an increase in Office Discipline Referrals because we (the teachers) are giving fewer explanations to why and how the students should be behaving.  At this point, the Office Discipline Referrals are still for documentation purposes only, unless the behavior is a major behavior like hands-on, cheating/lying, or safety concerns.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns about our PBIS program, please do not hesitate to contact me.