Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Fuel Up to Play 60

Read for 25-30 minutes
Grammar Minute 55
5th Math-choose 3 decimal multiplication problems-show your work
4th Math-check agenda
5th Science-work on your Earth model.

Fuel Up To Play 60
The 5th grade is participating in Fuel Up.  Here is the website that your child can visit to show you around.   https://www.fueluptoplay60.com/
Participating in Fuel Up automatically makes your child a role model.  In order to participate, students must be caught up with all work and make good behavior choices.  If they do not, they will have to meet with Mrs. Howrigan, who will make the decision if they can participate that week.  If a student misses 3 meetings due to incomplete work or behavior, then he or she will not be able to participate.  Fairfield's Fuel Up program has sent a student to Florida as a State Ambassador. They have visited Gillette Stadium and met Patriot football players.  It is an exceptional program that teaches many leadership skills.  Mrs. Howrigan is sending home permission slips this week to participate in the program.

Monday, January 30, 2017


More SBAC testing today. The students are working on SBAC interim assessments that we score here at school.  This will allow us to see how the students are doing with their reading and writing.
Grammar Minute 54
Reading 25-30 Minutes
4th Math Multiplication 17
5th Math Comparing Decimals

5th Grade will be watching, "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe," this Friday.  This is a reading reward.
The 5th grade went cross country skiing today.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017

4th Math-Multiplication Sheet Mosaic **** Go across and then up! Color box!
5th Math-Decimal Sheet
No Grammar Minute tonight!
STUDY for your spelling and finish any pages that are not yet done.  I need proof you studied by showing a practice test or parent signature with date.
5th grade Science-The rubric for the Earth model needs to be reviewed with you and signed by you.  Some science time may be given, but this is really an at home project.  Please let me know if your child will need additional help.  We can work on them at lunch, recess, and flex time.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

A World of Difference

No kids at school today but the staff was here learning more about how to support all students. This morning we were in training with Kathy Johnson from A World of Difference, AWOD. AWOD is the education segment of the Anti Defamation League.  The Anti Defamation League, "Aims to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and secure justice and fair treatment to all peoples." ADL.org  ADL helps all people.  

AWOD takes action against bullying, cyberbullying, and bias; promotes respect; and motivates to help others.  Students volunteer for this program and work with students throughout the year.  

Here are some things we worked on today:

  • 4 words and definitions were discussed:  bias, prejudice, discrimination, and stereotype.
  • They pyramid of hate: acts of bias, acts of prejudice and bigotry, acts of discrimination, acts of violence, life-threatening acts.
  • Self-identity.
  • Freedom of speech has limitations on it in the school setting.

In the classroom, we will start discussing the Civil Rights Movement by reading the book, Freedom Riders, John Lewis and Jim Zwerg on the Front Lines of the Civil Rights Movement.  

This afternoon we learned more about how traumatic stress affects children in the classroom. Samantha Thomas, NCSS's Children's Initial Response Leader, worked with us. 
Stress can be predictable, moderate, and controlled which allows us to build resilience. It also can be unpredictable, severe, and prolonged which causes vulnerability.  Trauma, like all experience, shapes the course of development.  Self-regulatory skills were discussed. It is important for teachers to model these skills.  Our yoga breathing is a skill we often use in our room.  We saw this video that describes the brain in very simple terms.
It was a good day!  The rest of this week will be devoted to taking the SBAC Interim Assessments that help the students prepare for the SBAC test. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fountas and Pinnell

I am in the process of administering the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment to every 4th and 5th grader.  I will let you know the results on your child's progress report.
There is no school next Monday or Tuesday.
4th Math-Multiplication
5th Math-Decimals and number line
Grammar Minute 48
After those, read for 30 minutes or as much time is left until you have spent 45-50 minutes on work.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January 10th

30 minutes of reading
Grammar Minute 47
4th Math: Multiplication
5th Math: Value sheet

No school next Monday or Tuesday

Monday, January 9, 2017

No Spelling

Read for a solid 30 minutes.
4th Math check agenda
5th Math Decimal Sheet
Both grades Grammar Minute 46
No spelling this week. I am administering the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment this week. I will share the results on your child's progress report. There is no school on Monday 1/16 for MLK Jr. Day and no school on 1/17 due to teacher inservice.
5th grade parents-I will be sending home the Technology Acceptable Use policy again for a mid year review. I will let you know by email when it goes home. You and your child will be asked to sign it again.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Math and Reading

Read for 25-30 minutes
4th Math- Area
5th Math- Subtracting with decimals

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Read for at least 25-30 Solid minutes!
4th Math-Area of a rectangle
5th Math-page 22

5th grade is almost done sharing their Short Focused Research Projects they did before vacation.  4th grade will be starting theirs tomorrow.  These are in preparation for our Informative Writing and Informational Reading units.  Our sugaring units will be starting soon with the 4th grade learning about the process of sugaring and the 5th grade focusing on maple tree and the diversity of a sugarbush.