Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Great Day!

Today was a GREAT, GREAT day!!!!! Students on task, smiling, working, laughing, and then getting back on task!!!! Writing, reading, math!!!!
Both classes had poems submitted for a poetry contest.  Here is the link to the site.  A few students still need to get their poems to me.  I will upload another file on Thursday.
Young Writers of America

Read for 25-30 minutes
Grammar Minute #39
4th Mat - Page 19
5th Math - Division fact sheet

Monday, November 28, 2016

2nd Trimester!

Read for 25-30 minutes
Grammar minute #38
Study your spelling words
4th Math p. 18
5th Math - Quiz tomorrow

Second trimester is here.  Today we talked about how the expectations are a little higher now. The students know how to act and learn in our rooms.  We are on full speed for learning.  There is a lot to learn this year as you saw from all the standards we gave you at conferences.  It is super important that learning is the focus.  1st and 2nd redirects are for the students to manage themselves and get back on task.  That is the behavior of students.  We are not expecting perfectly behaved students all day long.  We do want them to use those redirects to their advantage and make decisions that allow them to learn best.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Yesterday and Today

Here are some videos that highlight our learning environment. Student seating available: regular height tables with chairs, 4 rolling chairs, 2 low tables to kneel at, sit at or on, individual yoga mats, large rug area, 2 desks in the classroom, one standing desk, 2 person writing center, class library area, and 2 desks in the hall that can be moved for independent quiet work. I promise promise I will video the 4th grade next week. Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving Feast

We had fun today at the Thanksgiving Feast.  Many students ate in the room with me and we sat on the rug and had a picnic.

Math test tomorrow for 5th.  Science test for 5th next Tuesday.
Spelling test for 4th and 5th tomorrow.
Read for at least 20-30 minutes.
For math homework practice work please check agendas.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday, Wednesday!

Read for at least 20-30 minutes. NO Grammar Minutes this week.  Spend more time on your spelling sheets.  Spelling tests this Friday.
For math homework please check agendas.  5th grade has a math quiz on Friday and a science vocab. quiz on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Homework for Tuesday

Read for at least 20-30 minutes.  Most students should be working their way to 30 minutes if they have time after other homework is done.
NO Grammar Minute tonight, but students are encouraged to complete a spelling page instead.
4th Math-Practice 7
5th Math-4 problems

We are only $32 away from completing our donorschoose.org goal! I can't wait to get more lighting and yoga mats!!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Veterans Day Pics


Thanksgiving Baskets

 On Friday, a purple sheet went home about the Thanksgiving Basket donations.  Mrs. Tully's class has Cranberry Sauce and Ms. Thompson's class has Disposable Foil Pan to Cook Turkey In.  The food pass along is this Thursday, but if you can't get to the store do not worry.  We can get the food/materials to the food shelf next week.  Thank you to all who have donated to the donorschoose.org project.  I never expected parents to donate, but wanted you to know what I was doing.  We had $115 left to raise as of this morning and we still have a couple of donations coming to me.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Veterans Day

 Tomorrow 5th grade is going to the St. Albans Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony.  Please watch the weather tonight and make sure your child is prepared to be outside for about 2 hours.    We earned our school wide celebration for our wonderful behavior following HR3. The students will have an afternoon of free choice activities.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

A New President!

Read for 20-30 minutes.  Grammar Minute 35. Study for spelling.
4th Math-check assignment book
5th Math-Individual problem that was made for you
The 5th grade will be going to the Veterans Day Parade this Friday.  Permission slips went home yesterday.
We filled in our electoral map today from last night's results.

Permission Slip

Reading- 20-30 minutes
Grammar Minute 34l
Study spelling words
4th Math- page 12
5th Math- practice 33
Boys' 5/6 Basketball Practice is tomorrow from 3-4pm.  We need a note for your child to stay after school.
Veterans Day permission slip went home today.
Here is a link to it. permission slip

Monday, November 7, 2016

Veterans Day

Read for 20-30 minutes. Grammar Minute 33. Study for spelling.
4th Math-p. 11
5th Math-finish p. 47

This Friday we are going to St. Albans for the Veterans Day Parade.  A permission slip will go home tomorrow.  We watch the parade and then listen to the ceremony that takes place.  Thank you for wonderful conferences.  The students did a great job preparing for them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Late Blog!!

Sorry so late! I won't even bother with posting homework because hopefully it is finished and the kiddos are in bed!! WIN Club, a meeting, coming down with a cold, and yoga kept me busy after school. The students are getting ready for their conferences!!