Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday 12/21

4th and 5th grades will stay with their homeroom teachers tomorrow.  Organizing, cleaning, fun, and snacks are part of the day.  Finishing work and projects must come first though!  Students must have all work completed before they can take part in any activities.  5th grade is having a book yankee swap, so please remember to send a book in with your child or let me know if you need one.  I have many extras if needed.
Have a wonderful end of the year!

Monday, December 19, 2016

December 19

No Grammar Minute or Spelling this week. 
A SOLID 30 minutes of reading!!!!!
5th grade has a math test on long division tomorrow. 
3 digits divided by 2 digits. I worked with a group today at Flex time. Very proud that those students who needed some extra practice took advantage of it. 
4th grade please check your agendas for any math. 
5th Grade- Purple folder signature and report card envelope. 
5th grade needs a gently used book for our Yankee Book Swap this Thursday. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 15th

Read and study for spelling test
Math-work on packet-both grades 
The concert was fabulous last night. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Concert Night!

Read for 25-30 minutes.
5th grade- Share purple folders with parents and get a signature on your note.
Math 4th-check agendas
Math 5th- page 3l
Report Card envelope if you haven't returned it yet.
See everyone in a bit for the concert!!

  • The students wrote poems this fall for a poetry contest sponsored by Young Writers of America.  The following students were chosen to have their poems published in this year's anthology.  Tate Archambault, David Gaudette, Jade Garceau, Erica Goodhue, Patience Getty, Alyssa Boudreau, Aidan Forbes, and Cora Thomas.  It was exciting today when they got envelopes that notified them of the results!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday, no Monday!!

There is NO Grammar Minute this week due to concert rehearsals and concerts.
Math 4th-pages 1 and 2
Math 5th-Long Division
There is spelling this week and students should study each night for Friday's test.
Wednesday night is the K-5 concert and Thursday is the 6-8 concert.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Read for at least 25 minutes.
Grammar Minute 43
Study for spelling
Math 4- Check agenda
Math 5-Page T

Monday, December 5, 2016


Grammar Minute 42
Read for at least 25 minutes
Study for spelling on the back of your daily spelling sheet
Math 4-Check agenda
Math 5-Page M

We had a PBiS assembly today.  We built the following bulletin board.
Before you speak.........
T  is it True?
H  is it Helpful?
I   is it Inspiring?
N  is it Necessary?
K  is it Kind?

It's not an easy thing to do.  We, as adults, are guilty of it often.  In fact, it happened to me today before the assembly.  I felt awful and apologized.  It didn't make it right because words don't go away. We can only try to be better tomorrow.

Here is the bulletin board.
And Mrs. Garceau and we always want to look!
And, as promised, as video of 4th grade.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Great Day!

Today was a GREAT, GREAT day!!!!! Students on task, smiling, working, laughing, and then getting back on task!!!! Writing, reading, math!!!!
Both classes had poems submitted for a poetry contest.  Here is the link to the site.  A few students still need to get their poems to me.  I will upload another file on Thursday.
Young Writers of America

Read for 25-30 minutes
Grammar Minute #39
4th Mat - Page 19
5th Math - Division fact sheet

Monday, November 28, 2016

2nd Trimester!

Read for 25-30 minutes
Grammar minute #38
Study your spelling words
4th Math p. 18
5th Math - Quiz tomorrow

Second trimester is here.  Today we talked about how the expectations are a little higher now. The students know how to act and learn in our rooms.  We are on full speed for learning.  There is a lot to learn this year as you saw from all the standards we gave you at conferences.  It is super important that learning is the focus.  1st and 2nd redirects are for the students to manage themselves and get back on task.  That is the behavior of students.  We are not expecting perfectly behaved students all day long.  We do want them to use those redirects to their advantage and make decisions that allow them to learn best.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Yesterday and Today

Here are some videos that highlight our learning environment. Student seating available: regular height tables with chairs, 4 rolling chairs, 2 low tables to kneel at, sit at or on, individual yoga mats, large rug area, 2 desks in the classroom, one standing desk, 2 person writing center, class library area, and 2 desks in the hall that can be moved for independent quiet work. I promise promise I will video the 4th grade next week. Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving Feast

We had fun today at the Thanksgiving Feast.  Many students ate in the room with me and we sat on the rug and had a picnic.

Math test tomorrow for 5th.  Science test for 5th next Tuesday.
Spelling test for 4th and 5th tomorrow.
Read for at least 20-30 minutes.
For math homework practice work please check agendas.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday, Wednesday!

Read for at least 20-30 minutes. NO Grammar Minutes this week.  Spend more time on your spelling sheets.  Spelling tests this Friday.
For math homework please check agendas.  5th grade has a math quiz on Friday and a science vocab. quiz on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Homework for Tuesday

Read for at least 20-30 minutes.  Most students should be working their way to 30 minutes if they have time after other homework is done.
NO Grammar Minute tonight, but students are encouraged to complete a spelling page instead.
4th Math-Practice 7
5th Math-4 problems

We are only $32 away from completing our goal! I can't wait to get more lighting and yoga mats!!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Veterans Day Pics


Thanksgiving Baskets

 On Friday, a purple sheet went home about the Thanksgiving Basket donations.  Mrs. Tully's class has Cranberry Sauce and Ms. Thompson's class has Disposable Foil Pan to Cook Turkey In.  The food pass along is this Thursday, but if you can't get to the store do not worry.  We can get the food/materials to the food shelf next week.  Thank you to all who have donated to the project.  I never expected parents to donate, but wanted you to know what I was doing.  We had $115 left to raise as of this morning and we still have a couple of donations coming to me.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Veterans Day

 Tomorrow 5th grade is going to the St. Albans Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony.  Please watch the weather tonight and make sure your child is prepared to be outside for about 2 hours.    We earned our school wide celebration for our wonderful behavior following HR3. The students will have an afternoon of free choice activities.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

A New President!

Read for 20-30 minutes.  Grammar Minute 35. Study for spelling.
4th Math-check assignment book
5th Math-Individual problem that was made for you
The 5th grade will be going to the Veterans Day Parade this Friday.  Permission slips went home yesterday.
We filled in our electoral map today from last night's results.

Permission Slip

Reading- 20-30 minutes
Grammar Minute 34l
Study spelling words
4th Math- page 12
5th Math- practice 33
Boys' 5/6 Basketball Practice is tomorrow from 3-4pm.  We need a note for your child to stay after school.
Veterans Day permission slip went home today.
Here is a link to it. permission slip

Monday, November 7, 2016

Veterans Day

Read for 20-30 minutes. Grammar Minute 33. Study for spelling.
4th Math-p. 11
5th Math-finish p. 47

This Friday we are going to St. Albans for the Veterans Day Parade.  A permission slip will go home tomorrow.  We watch the parade and then listen to the ceremony that takes place.  Thank you for wonderful conferences.  The students did a great job preparing for them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Late Blog!!

Sorry so late! I won't even bother with posting homework because hopefully it is finished and the kiddos are in bed!! WIN Club, a meeting, coming down with a cold, and yoga kept me busy after school. The students are getting ready for their conferences!!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October 27, 2016

Read for 20-30 minutes and Grammar Minute 30
5th Math-no homework
4th Math-Multiplication #30
Hay Day is tomorrow.
Conferences are next week.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

PBiS Assembly

 Today we presented a bus expectation skit to the whole school.  The kids did a great job and worked hard to prepare.  This Friday is Hay Day and the students will find out tomorrow what activities they will take part in during this annual tradition.  The weather does not look like it will cooperate for outdoor activities so we will most likely be inside.
Read for at least 20-30 minutes.  Grammar Minute 29.
4th Math: Check agendas
5th Math: Quiz on box method tomorrow. Check agenda for specific assignment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hay Day

This Friday is Hay Day!!!  Next week are conferences.  You can double check your time on the document if you need to.  There are still openings for Friday.
Read for 20-30 minutes and do Grammar Minute 28.
4th Grade Math-#9
5th Grade Math- Multiplication using the box method.
Spelling for 5th-Study for quiz tomorrow.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Long Weekend

The only homework for this week is to read and do Grammar Minute 27. Students have Monday and
Tuesday off for the fall break.  The following week are conferences.  Please sign up for one if you haven't already.
Conference Sign Up Sheet

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Conferences Conferences Conferences

Read for 20-30 minutes and Grammar Minute 26
Math page 8 for 5th and page 11 for 4th
Spelling-Study and finish page 3 if you didn't finish it in class.

There are still a couple of evening times left for conferences and lots of times for Friday morning.
Here is the link:

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sign Up For Conferences

Here is the link to sign up for conferences.
Conference Sign Up
20-30 Minutes of reading and Grammar Minute 25
4th Math: p. 11
5th Math: Box Multiplication problems
Study for spelling and finish the second page if you did not get to it today.

Monday, October 17, 2016


Read for at least 20-30 minutes from your DEAR book.  Grammar Minute 24-we did not do any examples in class so try your best.  Study your spelling list.
Check your agendas for your math homework.
We are starting spelling this week.  2 weeks ago, I gave the students a spelling inventory assessment to see what stages of spelling they are in.  Homework will be to study nightly and finish any work that was not finished in school.
The conference schedule was sent in an email.  Here is the link to sign up.
Conference Schedule Sign Up

Thursday, October 13, 2016


The conference sign-up sheet will be posted next Monday, 10/17.  I will post it at 7pm.  Conferences are on Wednesday 11/2, from 4:15 to 7:15, Thursday 11/3, from 3:15 to 7:15, and Friday 11/4, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Read for 20-30 minutes and Grammar Minute 23.
4th Math: Practice 7-Math Facts
5th Math: Page 4 Multiplication.  There is a quiz tomorrow in math.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Bus Expectations

Math: 4th none  5th page 7
Grades 4 and 5: Grammar Minute 22 and read for at least 20-30 minutes.
Grade 4 participated in Fire Safety today.
Today we had bus expectations reviewed with Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. K. Howrigan (Mrs. H.)  All 4th and 5th-grade students demonstrated getting on the bus and off the bus safely and orderly.  They also showed the understanding of how to sit in the seats during the bus ride.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Math- Grade 5: Page 2    Grade 4: Page 3
4th and 5th Read for AT LEAST 20-30 minutes. Grammar Minute 21.

I applied for a project through  Bet Howrigan did this a couple of years ago and got furniture for her classroom.  The link to my project is below.  I am asking for yoga mats and soft lighting so we can turn off the harsh florescent lights every now and then.  I am not asking you for a donation, but want you to be aware of this project.  The yoga mats provide comfortable floor seating, and I also want to do yoga with the kids.  We need mats to do that.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday Monday

5th and 4th grade have reading and grammar minute 20. Next week spelling or vocabulary will become part of the homework. This added assignment should not add a lot to the homework load. An estimate of homework time is 10 minutes per grade level. So 4th about 40 minutes and 5th about 50 minutes.
4th Math has practice 4 and 5th grade should check their planners.
Sorry this is late!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Miss Tully

4th and 5th have Grammar Minute 19 and read 20-30 minutes. 
4th Math: check planner for assignment. 
5th Math: Problems using the math glossary. Math quiz on Monday. 
Today I worked with students assessing them in reading. My daughter, Alyson, was our substitute. Here are some pictures of reading workshop. I will get pictures of fourth grade tomorrow! Miss Tully is in for Ms. Thompson tomorrow so she will have the same students!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Spelling Bee

Grades 4 and 5: Grammar Minute 18 and read for 20-30 minutes.
4th Math: page 3
5th Math: Problems 6&7

Our school did great at the spelling bee today! Our 5th grade was well represented with 10 students participating.  We will send out a link next week to a conference sign up document.
Conferences will be November 2nd-4:15 to 7:15, November 3rd-3:15 to 7:15, and November 4th-8:00 a.m to 12:00.

Contest Flyer


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Poetry Contest

4th and 5th Grammar Minute 17 and read for 20-30 minutes!  Some kids are not making adequate progress with their books and that tells me some students are not reading for the full time enough nights out of the week.  Those students risk having to complete a nightly reading log.
5th Math: Problems 4 and 5 using your glossary
4th Math: page 2

PBiS Family Letter: This letter was sent home on the last day of school and emailed home over the summer.  It's worth another read as we get more comfortable with our school year and develop our daily routines that become the structure of our classroom.  Plus, you have a ton to read at the beginning and may have missed it.
PBiS Explanation

Poetry Contest
Here is a picture of the Poetry Contest Guidelines:   I wrote one as a model for the students to show them it doesn't need to be that long or serious!  Lots of them are having fun with this!

What my family means to me
Sometimes I wish they would let me be
I love them dearly day in and day out
Even when they want to make me shout

We laugh, we cry
And many times all we can do is sigh
A big crazy clan we are indeed
Each other is all we really need

I don’t know what I would do without them all
I hope I never have to or I’ll just bawl
What my family means to me?

Sometimes I wish they would let me be

Monday, October 3, 2016

Math Re-Take

5th Grade will have a math re-take quiz tomorrow for addition & subtraction with regrouping.  Math interventions have been offered during FLEX time.  Please talk to your child to see if he or she is taking it tomorrow.
Grade 4 and 5: Grammar Minute 16, read for 20-30 minutes.
5th Math: Problems 2 and 3 using the glossary.
4th Math: Page 1 of Multiplication

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29, 2016

Grade 4-Read for 20-30 minutes...Grammar Minute 15
Math-Addition Adventure #30

Grade 5-Read for 20-30 minutes......Grammar Minute 15   No math but there is a math retake test on subtraction with regrouping next Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Cinema Day!

Cinema Day was a success! We had our first school wide reward for positive behavior today. Choice of movie and maple milkshakes! Grades 5-8 chose between Malificent, the most recent Jungle Book, and the 1977 Star Wars. Grades K-4 chose between Monsters Inc.,  The Lorax, and Finding Nemo.  We have high expectations for our students and the afternoon was well deserved.  Not every student is going to be well behaved all the time-they are kids, but certain behavior is expected. When behavior becomes a disruption to others each student has 2-3 chances to turn it around. This allows for self regulation to occur. I am proud of the 4th and 5th grades. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Taking Time

We slowed down today to review expectations during independent work time and FLEX time.  The students did a great job.  If redirected, students owned their choices and managed their behavior.  For FLEX time we are going to use a planning sheet that starts on Mondays.  You can see it in your child's homework binder in the Misc. section. Please try to see what they are working on during this important time. Below is a link to see the sheet.
FLEX Time Planning Sheet
Grade 4:
Read for 20-30 minutes
Grammar Minute 13
Math- Addition Adventure #26
Grade 5:
Read for 20-30 minutes
Grammar Minute 13
Math- Place Value Sheets

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday, September 26th

Hi everyone,
I'm not feeling so great today, so a short blog.........
5th Grade has reading 20-30 minutes using post-its to record character feelings and Grammar Minute 12. There is a math sheet.  Please check your son's or daughter's assignment book to be sure he or she is writing the assignments down.
4th Grade has the same reading and Grammar, but not sure about math.  Check assignment books also.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Scholastic Storyworks

I have decided to go  with Scholastic Storyworks instead of Scholastic News. Storyworks follows the same format as Scope and is geared for grades 4-6.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Learning the Classroom

Homework Grades 4 & 5
Read for 20-30 minutes and Grammar Minute 10

5th grade
Acceptable use policy signature.

We continue to learn how to work and learn in the classroom. We use a reading and writing workshop model which requires the students to work independently, with a partner, or in a group with or without me.  Students need to know how to do that so we model and practice until the students show they can do it. Here are videos showing the 4th grade reading and choosing independent books. I will try to get a 5th grade video tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Acceptable Use Policy

Reading 4 & 5- 20 minutes from your DEAR book.
Language 4 & 5- Minute 9

5th Grade- Parent Signature on Acceptable Use Policy. You may not use your computer until it is brought back and signed.
The 5th graders went outside with their YO YO class today (Younger/Olders), which is Ms. Brett's 2nd grade.  We picked vegies and fruit and weeded the garden.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sweethearts and Heroes

Hi Everyone,
On Monday, grades 3-5 will attend an anti-bullying presentation called Sweethearts and Heroes. Middle School goes at a separate time. I have included a link to this site.  The link brings you to the home page, but go to the About tab and the others to find out more about this powerful presentation.  I will include pictures and a summary of the assembly on Monday's blog.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

HR 3

Grade 5: Read 15-20 Minutes
Grammar Minute 6
Grade 4: Read 15-20 Minutes
We did the Grammar Minute in class today.

The 5th and 4th grade helped with our HR3 bulletin board today.  At Open House, please stop by and sign our board.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Open House

Read for 15-20 minutes and complete grammar minute 5. Tomorrow night is Open House- k-5 6:00 to 6:30 and Middle School 6:30 to 7:00. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Remembering to Pack Up

4th and 5th Grade 
Reading: Read for 15-20 minutes. Some 4th graders Amy be working on Literary Elements flip books instead. 
Language: Grammar minute 4

Please help your child pack up the night before. DEAR books go back in book folders in their homework binders. Grammar minutes go in the homework binder in the homework section. Any math should also be put back there. 
Thank you for this help. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016


4th and 5th
Reading: Read for 15 to 20 minutes.
Grammar Minute 2
5th Grade
Please sign the Office Discipline Referral form after reviewing it with your child.

The 4th and 5th grade helped Mrs. Hill set up the new Chromebooks for grades 3and 4.  This involved upacking them and following directions-step by step! We had 1/2 the class helping and the other half reading and then they switched.  It required the students to listen and be patient as well as be independently on task when reading quietly.

Whenever we can, Mrs. Garceau and I think the students should have choice.  An important choice they can make is where to sit during DEAR time (silent reading).  The students have to decide where the best place is for them so they will not be distracted or distract others.  During this time is when Mrs. Garceau and I will be conferencing with students and running guided reading groups.  We are practicing this a lot this week.  Mrs. Garceau and I want to work with the students, not have to redirect them!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Cows & Books

Reading 4th and 5th: read for 15-29 minutes. 
Grammar minute 1

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Meadow Farms

All forms from the office should be returned ASAP.
Reading:  15-20 minutes from the DEAR books. A parent signature on the Self-Selected Reading Form sheet.

Meadow Farms fundraiser went home today.  Please DO NOT have your child sell door to door!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Another Great Day!

Students have forms to share with you.  Today they received a letter about art and reading.  A newsletter from Ms. Ballou went home to youngest and only and the BNML also sent something home.  All students chose books for self-selected reading (DEAR books) and they are in the book folders in the homework binder.  They do not have to read tonight but were encouraged to. They wrote their weekly schedule in the assignment books today. Here are a couple of pictures from art today.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Awesome Day!!!!!!

Students are to share all forms with parents.  Try to return them as soon as possible.
Students are to get their parents' contact numbers and put them in the Emergency Contact section of the assignment book.
What a great first day!! We took it slow to really learn how we will work and learn in our room.   Here is a picture from morning share.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Just About Ready!!

A few more hours tomorrow and I will be ready for the kiddos on Wednesday!!! Can't wait!!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Today was the dreaded day! We brought Erin down to Castleton for her freshman year. She was ready for it, but I wish my girls went to school closer! At least they are in Vermont! I hope many of you were able to go to the bbq. I was sorry to miss it. I can't wait for next Wednesday!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


A big thank you to Mrs. Garceau, Lauren Kate, and Jade for helping me set up the room today! Cleaning and organizing my desk is on the agenda for tomorrow. I had Cora and her mom come to yoga tonight and we took a picture! I should have taken a few today, but we were so busy I forgot. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Getting There

I spent the day at school today. I was able to get it physically arranged and unpack supplies. I also met with the PBiS team that went to Killington earlier in the summer. I will be there tomorrow as well. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


This morning I had to get something from my car and I found this spider working on her web. I didn't have the heart to ruin all of her hard work so I went to the other side of the car!!
 And another picture from NYC. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


My father in law always told me to look up and down. 
 The Empire State Building and turtles in the lake in Central Park. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Great weekend!!

I had a wonderful weekend in Clifton Park for my stepdad's 80th birthday celebration. Here is a picture of my family, my sister Chele's family and tall brother !

Friday, August 12, 2016


Pileated Woodpeckers in my parents backyard. In Clifton Park for the weekend for my stepdad's 80th birthday party!