Read for 15-20 minutes 5 nights a week. Status of the class is taken every Monday and progress is to be evident!
Math-100 chart to identify prime, deficient and abundant numbers.
We started talking about factors and multiples today to prepare us for dividing fractions by fractions. It is important to know that with dividing fractions the students will have to draw it out and will not be allowed to simply keep it, switch it, flip it..........as we were taught. They can eventually do this, but we first focus on what is means to divide fractions and also what is means when you multiply them.
Thank you for taking the time to read the letter and answer the survey on PBiS. PBiS has done a world of good for our school. If you didn't get the chance, here is the letter
PBiS Letter. There are links to visit and a survey to complete at the end.
Next week we will start our Picture of the Day. Students will go around our school and grounds and take pictures of every day sights, but from a different perspective. This helps us to understand that we need to treat people the same way. Things are not always how they look. Here is an example.
Here is a copy of the reading journal for our books on Kindness, Acceptance, and Tolerance.
Reading Journal
Reminders: September 18th is Open House from 6-7.