Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014

We had our awards assembly for the month of February today and Leah Branon and Maggie Tiffany were recognized for always being on task and helping others. We also shared writing from last Thursday's Vermont Writes Day sponsored by Young Writers Project. Jocelyn shared a piece she wrote.
What a day for Winter Carnival!  The kids had a blast and behaved wonderfully!   The middle school held an Olympics with sled dog races, tug of war, and relays. We tied for bronze with Mr. Stebbins' room. I felt a bit better today and was able to participate in the tug of war.  We almost won, but Mr. Stebbins' homeroom got us in the end. Then the students had a choice of sledding, capture the pig and nukem (a game almost like volleyball).  All students are caught up with work and can enjoy a work free vacation.  It would be great if they read, but no formal reading log is due when they get back.  My Alyson loves to read and my Erin not so much.  I can't wait to get a new book and lay around and read when I have some time.
Enjoy this time with your child!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

Math sheet 73
Today's Highlights:
We had groups go out to conduct Project Sweet Talk interviews today. One group went to the Branon sugar house on West St. and the other went to Ryan Howrigan's.
Winter carnival is this Thursday.  ALL work must be complete in order to participate.  No school this Friday, next week, and March 3rd and 4th.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014

Tonight's math sheet is due Monday.
Reading Project will be due next Thursday due to the snow day.
Read, Read, Read, Read!!!!!!!!
Have a fun snow day!
Play in the snow!
Today's Highlights!:  Jump Rope for Heart and exploring decimals!

No school next Friday, 2/21. Vacation is the week after that and the first Monday and Tuesday of March. Kids are back on March 5th.  Winter Carnival is next Thursday and all work must be complete by Thursday morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cole organizing our 6 ipad mini apps!

 We played around with dividing decimals today.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Math sheet # 70
CNN due tomorrow
Reading Log
Reading Project due 2/19
1/28 CNN needs to be signed

Today's Highlights: The students found out what groups they are in for Project Sweet Talk.  They are working on contacting the person they are interviewing.  This is a picture of a group collaborating on a letter.  Students got outside to cross country ski today!

No school next Friday, 2/21
Vacation the week after that~students are back on March 5th
Winter Carnival next Thursday~All work must be complete!!
Jump Rope for Heart tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! Bring sneakers!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

Math sheet # 69
Reading Log
Reading Project due Wednesday, 2/19
CNN Student News question set~Due Thursday
Sign the CNN question set from January 28th.

Today's Highlights:
Students continue to work on their book projects. The kids worked really well during our science center time.  Ms. Dion, Mrs. Jettie, Mrs. Jerose, and I put together the groups for Project Sweet Talk.  The students will find out their groups tomorrow and begin writing emails to their sugarers.  We might have a group interviewing this Friday and many go out next week. Permission slips will go home tomorrow and will need to be returned ASAP.  The middle school team is in the process of planning our annual winter carnival that will take place next Thursday.  Students will have to be caught up on ALL assignments before they can take part in this event.

A video about magnets.

Book Project due 2/19
Winter Carnival 2/20
No school 2/21
Vacation 2/24 to 2/28 and 3/3-3/4  Students return on March 5th.
Jump Rope for Heart is this Thursday.  Please return your child's donation and permission slip tomorrow.  I believe Ms. C-H encourages everyone to bring in a $1 donation or more if you were able to get sponsors.  Your child should know this as it is the same every year.  For the new folks if you have a question, email me and I can check with Ms. C-H tomorrow.  No stress please!!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014

Math sheet # 68 or Math Minute 24
Reading Log due tomorrow
Reading project due next Wednesday 2/19

Today's Highlights:
Actually this is from Friday.  We had a great time sledding on the back hill.  The kids went in the morning and had some work to do to flatten out the snow!  Hopefully we can do it again before our vacation.

The students built compasses on Friday in our unit on Magnets and Motors.

No school on February 21st.
Vacation the next week, February 24-28 and March 3-4. The kids are back on March 5th.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

Math sheet 66 (or 67?)
Reading Log
Reading Project due February 19th.

Today's Highlights:
Students started learning about dividing with decimals.   They worked in groups to solve problems that relate to real life.  For example: If your mom gave you $20.00 to go to the movies and offered to pay for your friends, with tickets costing $3.25, how many friends could you bring?

Sledding tomorrow!  No school on February 21st.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

Sorry this is late tonight.  I had a meeting and a scary ride home!
Math sheet 66
Reading Log
Book projects are due February 19th.
Today's Highlights:
The BFA Fine Arts Department came to visit us today.  Before this post I posted 3 videos of the chorus, band, and dancers.
No school on February 21st.  Break is the following week and the Monday and Tuesday after that.  We go back to school on Wednesday, February 5th.

Bfa chorus

BFA Dancers

BFA Band

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014

Math sheet 65
Reading Log
We checked the reading project schedule and they are not due until February 19th.
NO CNN questions for this week.

Today's Highlights:
Mr. Halligan's presentation was very powerful today.  It would be great if you could have a talk with your child tonight about how he or she felt about it.  You can get more information from his website called
We shared our video after the presentation and I have posted it to a separate blog post.

Tomorrow the BFA Fine Arts department will come and demonstrate activities your child could take part in if they attend BFA.  This Friday is a school wide celebration with sledding.  No school on February 21st due to a teacher in-service.  School break from February 24th to March 4th.

"Roar" Fan Video

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

February?  How is it February already?????
Sheet # 64 for Math
Reading Log due tomorrow.
Book Projects are due next Monday, but will extend it to that Friday of February 14th.
Some students still need to bring back signed progress reports and Acceptable Use Agreements.

Today's Highlights:
We started making compasses today in science. Students continue to do well on multiplying decimals and I hope to be dividing decimals by Wednesday.

John Halligan's presentation is tomorrow at 12:45.  Please remind your child of the seriousness of this topic and proper behavior during the assembly.  We prepped for this today and I have no doubt that this class will do great!  On Friday, February 21st there is an inservice so no school for the kids.  We are sledding on Friday so the kids need to have proper outdoor clothing.  Sleds can't be brought on the bus but you can drop it off at school.